1 x 60′
FORMAT: 1 x 60′ Narrated, HD
GENRE: Factual
YEAR: In Development
You don’t have to explain to anyone (in the world) what is behind the word pasta. Almost everyone identifies it not only as a dish, but first and foremost with the Italian way of life.
Pasta as such has been around in Italy for a long time. Pasta, if you look at it physically, is the first European fast food, developed quite independent of a similar development in China. Pasta can be dried and preserved and then refined as a basic product with ingredients = sauces and thus made into a dish = food. Pasta is affordable and remains so even when many ingredients turn the simple dish into a complex and refined one. Pasta is a counter-model to French haute cuisine, always has been.
And that’s where the story of PASTA begins, the story of its meteoric rise to become the most famous dish in European food culture from the 1960s onwards. The story of a world hit. This rise is due to the identification with the Italian attitude to life. If one tries to define this, then perhaps like this: a fusion of opposites and contradictions that exists nowhere else in the world with this intensity.
The story of the triumph of pasta has real heroes and patrons behind it. But above all, this story has a lot to do with Europe and its rebirth after the Second World War. And so it is a profoundly Italian and at the same time European story. A true story.