FORMAT: 6 x 48′ Narrated, HD
GENRE: History
YEAR: In Development


Presenting a documentary series that delves into the intriguing lives of renowned swordsmen and duelists, offering a fresh and often controversial perspective on these legendary figures. In each episode, we immerse ourselves in the life story of a genuine historical figure, viewing their journey through the eyes of a swordsman and duelist. Our narrative draws from a diverse range of sources, including personal diaries, contemporaneous documents, literary works, iconography, and cutting-edge research.

These were men who served their country, yet led a clandestine life as duelists, navigating the murky waters of illegality. What motivated these individuals to embrace this dual existence, knowing that the stakes often involved not only their lives but also their wealth and social standing?

Our duels are meticulously choreographed, based on a deep understanding of the fencing schools and styles prevalent during their time. In each episode, our panel of experts provides historical context, shedding light on when and where they acquired their combat skills, the identities of their fencing mentors and teachers, the specific fencing school they practiced, and the weapons they wielded. These duels and conflicts are woven into the fabric of each character’s biography, exploring the who, what, why, where, how, and the profound impact they had on the protagonist’s subsequent life.


Na Květnici 20
Praha 4, Czech Republic


Jagellonská 9
Praha 3, Czech Republic

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